Um das ein für allemal klarzustellen: Ich bin manchmal genauso blöd wie alle anderen. Der Unterschied ist wahrscheinlich nur der, dass ich bei Sachen scheitere, die andere noch nicht einmal versuchen.
Eigentlich wollte ich am Sonntagnachmittag und -abend mit dem Umbau meiner Drehbank auf Frequenzumrichter vorankommen. In Wirklichkeit habe ich Fehler gesucht und gefunden und dabei festgestellt, dass ich ziemlichen Mist konstruiert habe.
Continue reading "Fehlschläge"
I got my hands on a GeoWissen special issue on love. On the one hand, there were very interesting topics, such as the need for a fundamental similarity and understanding between the partners for working relationship. On the other hand, I'm probably doing everything wrong on my online profile, because I wrote a lot there and regularly use more than the recommended 250 characters for the primary message. On the other hand I've learned enough in recent years about personalities just to be sick of pretending to be someone else. If only because I'm terrible at it. Yes, I like reading and I am also eloquent. The typical article here has something like 6,000 characters and that's an extent that reads really well. I also read the dossiers in ZEIT and they are many times longer. Not to mention the series Tarrin Kael by Fel - this is a truly epic fantasy story with 3.5 million words. Admittedly I need a few weeks for that, then it's not going to be an afternoon anymore.
Continue reading "Dating and Relationship"
Dieses Jahr bin ich der Einladung zum Sommerfest des Einzelhandelsverbands nach Trier gefolgt. Ich bin da mit dem Ziel hingefahren Kontakte zu knüpfen und da ich mit einem Dutzend verschiedener Menschen geredet habe war ich da wohl erfolgreich. Was mir aber wieder aufgefallen ist: Die weitaus meisten haben sich nur mit denen unterhalten die sie bereits vorher kannten. Da ich aber praktisch niemanden kannte konnte ich mich nur voll ins Gefecht stürzen.
Continue reading "Party!"
Ein sehr häufig gebrauchter Spruch in Verbindung mit INTJs ist ja they get things done. Und gerade jetzt, wo ich in der Firma personell aufrüsten will wird mir wieder deutlich, dass das eben nicht der Normalzustand bei den anderen 15 Typen ist. Streng genommen besteht der Kontext aus einer Abfolge von verschiedenen Aktionen, die für mich ganz selbstverständlich sind:
- Problem erkennen
- sich zuständig fühlen
- Prioritisieren
- Problemanalyse
- Tu es und gib nicht auf
Continue reading "Tu was"
I have already written about the Cassandra Syndrome and that I'm powerless about the big things, so now the whole thing from a much more personal point of view. It is also a very good example of how the time in school can shape a child. I had the misfortune to be enrolled as one of the youngest children of the year and was always very weedy and already weird at that time, all in all an unfavorable combination. Back then the term was not as popular as today, but it was classic bullying. One outstanding example were my shoelaces set on fire. Or earlier the almost exemplary: Take-the-cap-away-and-then-throw-it-in-a-circle-around-you. Now there are several ways to deal with such a situation: Either you swallow it all and it breaks you, or you are going to fight through. I did the latter and maybe that's why I'm standing where I am right now. The people who have not learned to fight for themselves - maybe because they never had to - they had it more comfortable, but then are quite helpless if such a situation actually occurs years later. For me that's an old hat: I'm used to fighting for what I want and biting through even if it hurts.
Continue reading "Powerless, part two"
Jetzt sind wir mal wieder gleich zwei Dinge passiert, die zeigen wie unterschiedlich kleine Firmen zu großen Firmen sind und wie sehr man als Tausendsassa oder Jack-of-all-Trades aus dem Rahmen fällt. Geschichte 1 geht um eine Dunstabzugshaube, die in der Ausstellung nicht in den dafür vorgesehenen Schrank passte und deshalb zur Gutschrift an den Hersteller zurückgehen sollte. Das ganze bekam ich zwar mit aber veranlasst hatte es jemand anderes. Wie es nicht anders hätte kommen können, hat derjenige nicht richtig aufgepasst und nicht gemerkt dass die Monteure die Haube nicht wieder richtig original verpackt hatten. Jedenfalls meldete sich dann einige Zeit später der Außendienst mit der Mitteilung, dass die Haube nicht gutgeschrieben werden könne, weil Sie an der Ecke beschädigt sei. Dann wollten Sie sie mir auch gar nicht erst wieder zurückschicken "weil das gegen die Qualitätsstandards sei, eine beschädigte Haube in Umlauf zu bringen". Ich musste da schon deutlicher werden von wegen mein Eigentum und so. Als ich das Teil dann endlich wieder hier hatte, erwartete ich verknautschtes Metall und abgeblätterte Farbe und wollte sehen was ich noch retten kann um keinen Totalverlust zu haben. Stattdessen sah es so aus:
Continue reading "nochmal Jack-of-all-Trades"
Due to a TV tip, I watched a series of Einstein Junior, a quiz show for highly gifted children around the age of ten. While I found the moderator a bit misplaced - why of all things a comedian which must display his disguise cravings in innumerable segment clips - the show was quite revealing.
As is known, I busted the MENSA test with a score of 126, as it is known that this is not enough for the membership. Now the children who were proven to be highly talented, had to solve a whole series of tasks and I was able to participate in front of the TV - and the results were enlightening. What I already knew before - mental arithmetic and memory were to blame - has been confirmed. Interestingly, in some tasks, I was even better: ultra-short-term memory (remember 4 symbols in 4 colours for a few seconds) and compare two 4x4 matrices with symbols. I also was at least equal in spatial imagination. And I am not too far behind in mental arithmetic. But for the memory *cough*. The candidates had to learn a card deck of 52 cards before the show and then recite this in turn, which of each team at least one accomplished. I would have completely failed, I could have remembered maybe five to eight cards.
Continue reading "Gifted Kids"
Even if you are very introverted, you always have to deal with people. And sometimes you question what their attitude towards life is. And maybe that has something to do with the personality type too. I'm an entrepreneur and work with a variety of companies, including my assembly company. Here the relation was right from the beginning a little tense. We have agreed to the same conditions as with the previous assembly company - a flat rate percentage of the value of the goods - and we also made the schedule the same as before. But because the assemblies needed much longer, the system did not work for them, since higher costs on one side didn't lead to higher revenues on the other. That they are therefore dissatisfied, is in principle still to understand. They were used to hourly pay. What I can not understand right now is - if I now bill for an kitchen move on a hourly basis - that's what they always wanted - why are they still dissatisfied just because of complications? If additional repairs have to be made, that means nothing more than more hours (which can be easily justified) and thus more revenue. It's like asking a taxi driver in Berlin to take a passenger to Munich. The vast majority are likely to rub their hands because of the easy money. Their attitude would be comparable if the taxi driver refuses because it takes too long or is too far or too boring or whatever.
Continue reading "Discontented"