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Blöder Perfektionismus

I don't know if I it's possible that i have the worst possible combination of personality traits: The analytic-logical side of the INTJ combined with the perseverance of the perfectionist (Enneagram 1). Worst in the sense of: No one else is that freaky. Anyway, that's how it feels in these days. Example 1: This photo

My Prusa I3 Mk2

My Prusa I3 Mk2 with modifications, shot with three flashes

As with many other things that I do, this photo also has two purposes, which is simply more efficient: on the one hand the photo as such, on the other hand the pictured 3D printer. I wanted to discuss the latter for the same reason and I saw the potential for a good photo, then I wanted to make one. Click once with the phone would have taken 5 seconds. This photo about 4 hours.

First arrange the white background cardboard, lamp tripods, umbrellas, flashes and make test shots for the right settings, then I looked at the images in Lightroom and noticed a variety of mistakes: first the cardboard was wavy at the front and thus the shadow gap was not the same width, then you could see the piece of steel I put there to press it down ... then the gap where the two pieces of board met ... and so on. In the last picture there was still a piece of iron to see, I just retouched it. But my train of thought was simple: If you do it, then you can do it right, then you only have to do it once, which is more efficient than starting twice. If I'm going to describe that from the emotional side - in the beginning it's still fun to put everything up (otherwise I would not even start), but eventually it's going to be pure determination to finally get an acceptable result. The fun factor is pretty much in nonexistent in that phase. After that, the satisfaction sets in when everything worked out as you had imagined.

The printer (Prusa I3 Mk2) is not different: the red parts are not original, I bought a black one. But because I was not satisfied and saw potential for improvement, I gradually changed a lot. Part of them already existed on Thingiverse (like the strain relief on the X-axis or the spool holder), other things like the support of the Z-frame and the fixation to the base plate are completely self-designed. The example of the idler for the filament feeder can be described quite well: starting point were problems with the printing of very elastic materials such as NinjaFlex, i had frequent jammings. In the search for the cause I looked at the idler and found out by recalculating that it is a little too high compared to the roller. No idea who constructed this, certaintly not an INTJ. Especially because this measurement is clearly defined from the hole pattern of the motor. Because I could not replace the thing but without disassembling the entire printing head, I put it on the side and then made everything in a big move, because then I also installed the improved cable management of the S version, that was possible all at once (efficiency, efficiency ...). Then I made a few test prints until it prints the material flawlessly. But that does not mean that I only follow the long-drawn-out plans: When I was on the elastic specimens the idea hit to put the base plate on these vibration dampers - I had only to change the shape and infill a bit to get good damping properties and now the printer is also super quiet. There was similar improvisation in the adhesion on the PEI print bed: the material sticks like pitch from hell and I was afraid to rip it (again). After grease and talcum failed, suddenly the PVA separation agent from my epoxy resin experiments jumped to my mind: works like miracle and is easy to wash off with water.

It is probably this mix of spontaneous and organized creativity, efficiency, sheer stubbornness and perfectionism that makes me me - and pretty much sets me apart from everyone else. Sure, that has a positive side: if I think that something is ready, then it is and you would have to do persuasive work to dissuade me from your opinion. If there's room for improvement, it's most probably on the ToDo list somewhere, just waiting for the right time to get started.

On the negative side, there is a very, very big problem: my lack of respect for people who think "simple doing" is enough. We have a family business, and I officially took over the store from my father a few years ago. So every 10 years you have to completely renew the exhibition and this time is the first under my responsibility. I remember that in the previous times the distribution of the sample kitchens was more or less arbitrary or simply followed the suggestions of the manufacturers, without a general concept. Again, there was a list of suggestions, but that was not enough for me. I sat down two evenings / nights, did a board exhibition to get a better idea of ​​it, and pushed samples and planning suggestions back and forth until I came up with a workable concept, which included all the factors like supplier, price, colors and even the floors:

Board samples for the new exhibition

Board samples for the new exhibition

I then introduced the concept to my sales people and my dad, but none of them was willing to dive into on the concept to a similar degree (it only takes a few hours) and get an idea of what we want to build. But this don't stop them from criticism or proposing changes, that is difficult to accept for me, lacking the preliminary work as base for their actions. I do not have a problem with putting detailed questions to a vote or compiling the list of proposals, and that's hard to do alone, but to question the concept without having a good grip on it goes too far. All I want is to work with someone who is pursuing the same goals with the same dedication, so that you can work together from the same level that there is not the big architect holding all the strings and everyone else is only making suggestions. Unfortunately, there such a person does not seem to exist - and that applies as much for work as in relationships.

The same thing happened again yesterday evening: the company site is running under Joomla, and after updating the kitchens on sale, the article titles annoyed me. The "hide" option did not work. I then tried everything possible, looked in the database if the attribute is entered correctly (yes), looked at the source code until I got hours later the i-don't-know-the-number-th Google search hints to the menu. After that, the solution was easy. And right after that or parallel to that - this blog. I write my posts without markup with a simple newline to <p> Plugin, that was in the package. Between the article introduction and the extension, however, there should be a blank line, which is only visible in full view. It was only either-or and only if you have four !! newlines in a row. The forum didn't not help much, so I downloaded the source code and rummaged around in the plugin until I a) know how it works and then b) could improve those points. That was again six hours or so, but now the result is as I imagine it, as it corresponds to my sense of order an cleanliness.

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So sehr ich ja ein Fan der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und des MBTI-Modells bin, so ist mir auch genauso klar was es alles nicht erklären kann. Klar, vieles hängt wirklich von unserem Persönlichkeitstyp ab und Menschen mit dem gleichen Typ sehen sich mit ä


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