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Gifted Kids

Due to a TV tip, I watched a series of Einstein Junior, a quiz show for highly gifted children around the age of ten. While I found the moderator a bit misplaced - why of all things a comedian which must display his disguise cravings in innumerable segment clips - the show was quite revealing.

As is known, I busted the MENSA test with a score of 126, as it is known that this is not enough for the membership. Now the children who were proven to be highly talented, had to solve a whole series of tasks and I was able to participate in front of the TV - and the results were enlightening. What I already knew before - mental arithmetic and memory were to blame - has been confirmed. Interestingly, in some tasks, I was even better: ultra-short-term memory (remember 4 symbols in 4 colours for a few seconds) and compare two 4x4 matrices with symbols. I also was at least equal in spatial imagination. And I am not too far behind in mental arithmetic. But for the memory *cough*. The candidates had to learn a card deck of 52 cards before the show and then recite this in turn, which of each team at least one accomplished. I would have completely failed, I could have remembered maybe five to eight cards.

It begs the question, which practical benefits such a memory has. After all, the paper was invented back in antiquity and today everyone carries a smartphone around with gigabytes of information storage capacity. That's just the reason why I have completely ignored this ability so far. But one thing is clear: You can learn that - there are several methods for it - and therefore, in my opinion, such a capability does not belong in the IQ test, which should be designed so that training does not bring any improvement.

Of course, my memory exists and it also contains an amazing amount of information. I can list all my inventory of tools and a lot of the material and also where to find it. That are at least 100 different standard parts, from the M1 screw to the 12er dowel.

The conclusion could be:
1. at least in part, my abilities count as gifted
2. gifted people are on my wavelength
3. during my life, I built up a huge wealth of experience and knowledge

In this respect, aging has an advantage, especially if the main cognitive function is fed by the wealth of experience, as is the case with INTJs.


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Christine on :

Der Trick dabei ist die Verknüpfung. Du hast ein besseres Ergebnis, wenn du mehr Sinne mit verknüpfst. Meine Kinder haben mir das mal gezeigt, eine der Möglichkeiten:
Sie haben eine Ort mit einem Begriff verknüpft. Vera Birkenbihl (Sprachenlernen)
Verknüpft sie mit Gefühl, mit lautmalerei anstatt sturem auswendig lernen (was ja bei den wenigsten klappt) Ich habe für mich gesehen, daß Gefühle und deine Sinne es am einfachsten machen. Auch Rhythmus bringt dieses Ergebnis. Dein Werkzeug ist dir vertraut, auf das kannst du dich verlassen. Deshalb hast du es mit Gefühl verknüpft. Du könntest mir wahrscheinlich von jedem Teil sagen, wo und für was du es schon gebraucht hast. Wäre so ein willkürliche Gedächtnisspiel für dich oder das Geschäft wichtig - du könntest es.
LG Christine

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